Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Blue Skies and Green Grass

My last blog featured thoughts on light both here and in the Arctic but since arriving home I know I really need to do one on colour. Guysborough is Green and at this time of year the green is so vibrant and varied that it is mind blowing. If you live here you might need to step away from it and look at it with different eyes. Here is what it looks like from my eyes. Above are the wild apple blossoms on the little road behind our house. Sunday graced us with cool weather and blue skies.

Looking out the back door at the fire pit ....we should soon be geared up for a gathering with guitars and a campfire if the weather would just dry up a little.

The boys (our cats) were glad to see us home in their own catty ways and settled in to watching over the garden and scanning the yard for squirrels and birds from their favorite spots on the deck.
Can you see a pattern of green and blue here in my world ....I didn't get to the ocean yet which has a parade of azure blue to purple grey at this time of year. Along with these colors come the the accompanying sound of song birds mating  and the roar, yes roar of the hummingbird looking for their feeders.

This is what we saw from our front window in the kitchen! There were 5 foxes out there by the barn across the road from us and quite bold and brazen as they froliced in the grass. 

Well reflection will be on the fly, since we hit the ground running and tonight will see Yoga classes starting up once again at the Jost Waterfront Building. The first time we see the temperature pop above 15 we will be in the seats above with a mug of tea and a good book, counting our blessings in Guysborough....come join us when you can.


Christian Muise said...

Love that picture...

chris said...

I like all of them of which one do you speak?......

Jim said...

Memories to be treasured ...

Christian Muise said...

Oh, you went and changed the post. The pic I was talking about isn't even there anymore :p.

Kristie said...

Wow lovely photos! It's clear that you're enjoying home again, after that enormous adventure. You paint a very cozy and peaceful picture.