Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Closing Down of Summer

Canso in our wake

Path to the fortress ruins
Picnic in Grassy Park

Special K coming to fetch us

Hello folks

There is nothing like a drop in the temperature to bring you back to the reality of fall in Nova Scotia - Still NS dons her most beautiful gown at this time of year. We are still enjoying the crash of the surf and the smell of the brine but now there is the added layer of of the sweet smell of wild apples ripening, cranberries beginning to peek out from the bogs, and the occasional sighting of the autumn mushrooms in the mossy woodlands.

We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day on Monday when we ventured down to Canso with friends,Erich and Inge and hiked around Grassy Island Historical Site. Canso has such a rich history; a fishing town founded in 1603 and is now struggling to maintain its existence in the aftermath the collapse of the fishery. The fiercely independent natives constantly reinvent themselves as they have over the centuries in order to stay connected to the rocky land they love. No where is this more mind blowing than stepping off the boat on Grassy Island to walk the paths created by the first brave souls who struggled to stay (mostly)alive here at the edge of the earth during those first winters.

We picnicked, and as our friend Erich put it, you had to keep your elbows on your plate to keep it on the table .... oh but the food was wonderful as it always is outdoors! Smoked Pacific Salmon,Gouda cheese, homemade bread fresh from the oven and wine and watermelon finished off with a couple of thermos of tea and Jim's chocolate banana muffins.I know this was yoga of the mouth, ...talking, eating and living in the moment.

Those of you in the county have probably got an e-message regarding the start up of classes and you can check the calender on the website for class info as well. For anyone who did not get the message with the link to the article Why do Yoga? by Garrett Sarley ...this is a wonderful article which articulately describes the science behind yoga -no frills - in a language we all can understand.

In conclusion, I'm shining the floors, blessing the space and I look forward to seeing you on the mats during the last week of September.

Love and light to all


Tara Muise said...

great pics mom! that picnic sounds fantastic...i don't think i'll have the time to get any of that stuff in before the snow starts to fall this year. a friend went berry-picking last weekend, and it sure looked like a day you would've enjoyed (i missed it too).

chris said...

Thanks for your time and comment Tara I'm still struggling with how to organize a shouldn't take quite this long to figure it out.
The weather here has been so spectacular this fall so far ...we're planning a hike to Mabou Coastal in the Highlands should be WOW!

Kristie said...

A great post Chris. It's a really nice one that sets the mood of this time of year in NS. I also especially like the name of the Special K. Sounds like you're really enjoying the coming of the fall.

Keep on posting! :)

MargaretJ said...

My mother grew up in Canso, so it was wonderful to view your photos of Grassy Island.

Margaret J
Nahant, MA & Meteghan, NS