Monday, September 21, 2009

Campfire smoke and Queen Ann's Lace

When I spend some time to taste the ordinary or what I see as ordinary it may not be so for others. This is where our Summer goes.

Settling in to a quiet September Campfire in our back yard fire pit.

Having the chance to sit under the starry canopy and enjoy good friends and a little music or just to sit in silence and watch the flames dance in the cool evening shadows is an underrated joy.

We got to spend a Saturday on the land clearing undergrowth and windfalls from the last hurricane and, you know, there is a pleasant sense of satisfaction when you look back at the end of the day and see what you accomplished can actually see something for your work when you are in the bush. Not real pretty but it's a start.

This is the cornfield along the edge of the property.

By the end of the day we were pretty raggedy and so we zipped across the way to the Bayfield Beach for a swim. Wow the water was as warm as bath water...and so clear you were looking at the ripples in the sand bar and it was hard to leave ...It reminded me so of the summer days I spent swimming there so long ago when that was my whole world.


Queen Ann's Lace and September apples.
These are wild and here for the picking.

Apple Jelly for Christmas.  If you get the chance or make the "chance" go for a walk today outdoors and spend a little time with something you usually overlook and see if you can look at it in a different way......The Yoga of being in the moment.

Love and Light


1 comment:

Kristie said...

That swim at Bayfield Beach sounds wonderful! I've been walking by the water everyday here in Thessaloníki, but it's too polluted to even dip a toe in.

Very nice post - reminds me that I'm missing out on the beginning of the fall season.